I can't believe it! After being so good and not even being tempted to buy fabric the few times I've had to go into a fabric store for other supplies. And then look what came in the mail yesterday. I've been getting these 2 groups of FQs each month (one group batiks and the other misc. co-ordinated) for over a year and have been telling myself since I made my pledge for no new fabric that I needed to cancel but I just kept forgetting. On purpose maybe, I wonder? I mean I've loved everything I've gotten with the exception of the prints in one months grouping. (The blenders were all moda marbles so what's not to like there!) And I just stripped those "uglies" up into my strip drawers so no waste there.
So will I cancel before I get next months packet? Honestly I'm not sure as these came at a time when I've been really down and were a nice pickup. If anything I might drop the batik group as my batik shelf is getting pretty full now and maybe let myself keep the others. It might be good to put a little something fresh in the stash as I work to use up some of the old stuff. And as long as I use more per month than I get from these FQ groups I think I just might let myself have a little new eye candy each month. :-)
I'm STILL sick although I do feel a bit better each day and actually sewed a bit on Saturday on my Scrappy Spools and we pulled the ATVs out on Sunday and took a short ride.
That's another of my passions - ATVing. This is a big surprise for everyone in my family including me as I'm such a wuss about a lot of stuff and didn't even learn to use the riding mower until a few years ago. David's wanted one for years so I bought him one for his birthday in August 2004. By the time his birthday came around in 2005 I was riding it more than he was. So I bought him another one and took the first one and now we love to go riding. In the little country subdivision we live in there are over 60 miles of roads. The main ones are paved like the one we live on. But lots of them are dirt or gravel. And there are miles of trails cut in some of the empty lots so lots of fun riding. This is David riding his.

And just as an added bonus another shot of our backyard I took a few days ago. This was taken at about the same spot where I took the bluebonnet pictures last spring.

Nancy, I am glad that you are starting to feel a bit better. Certainly, a bit of fresh air on your ATV is a good sign of your returning health.
And a bit of eye candy never hurt anyone! I bought my very first fat quarters this winter and have fallen in love with these small snippets of fabric - they are so easy to use and I am using them up so fast! I've always been a "yarage" girl, but call me a new convert! And if a few new fat quarters save you from buying - say - a bolt of fabric, that is an improvement! Enjoy!
ATV'ing... how fun! I remember that my dad paid $100 for a raffle ticket and surprise! He won. He had a choice of a new ATV or $4000. My mom MADE him take the $4000. :P
Well, with a daredevil brother in his teens, I suppose it was for the best. But dang, my parents have over 40 acres (would you like to buy 31 of them? ;)) so an ATV wouldn't have been out of place at their house. :)
nice to hear you are feeling better-and getting that fabric in the mail surely is a nice splurge of color and fun. I think it's fine to continue getting it-especially if you are going to use more than you get!
Hi Nancy, I don't think that is so terrible that the fabric came or continues to come. You've made some HUGE decisions in your life and your quilting lately. Sometime it's good to re-think and re-group. I'm for letting the mail surprises contine..*VBS* Glad you are feeling some better..me too. Still infection, but at least it looks like I will keep the cornea I have...thank goodness! Hang in there and enjoy those ATV rides..it's good for you..*S*
It really is nice to get those fat quarter packets in the mail. I used to get the Sweet Treats and I looked so forward to that.
Nancy...wow, you CONFESSED! lol...you are one brave quilter! And who woulda thunk that you are an ATV rider!!!????? The things we learn on her! GOOD FOR YOU!!!
PS...i'm glad you are feeling better!
Nancy, I'm so glad you are feeling better. Keep at least one of the groups of fabrics coming. It IS a good pick me up. I tried to not buy for a year and failed completely. Finally I decided a better goal was to end each year with less fabric than I had at the beginning of the year. Stashbust but still buy now and then as a gift to yourself. I still think that's a very good goal - even though I have yet to reach it.
Wow, what a neat package to receive. May it was accidently on purpose that you forgot to cancel the shipment. We all need a little pick me up form time to time. The ATVs look like alot of fun. My husband and I enjoy motorcyles.
I'm so glad you are feeling better. I receive Sweet Treats and it's always a good day when the package arrives. I hope you choose to keep them, we all need a treat sometimes!
Fabric is good. Need fabric, must keep getting fabric.
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