I FINISHED the top for my pineapple blossom today. Took a day off just to sew. I got up, got dressed and was headed out the door when I thought, "I don't want to work today, I want to sew!" So I called in and used a vacation day. I don't have pictures yet. Hopefully I can get some taken tomorrow to share then. Now to go think about what I want to add to my list to replace the pineapple blossom.
Besides finishing the pineapple blossom top I also did a sample block for my scrappy spools. That way I can put this block in the tote with the pieces/parts and not have to try remembering how it was supposed to go together. I'm really liking this a lot.
That's a so cute scrappy spool! It's sure fun seeing one's project being so contagious! :)
Nice job on the blue and yellow scrappy spool. With one block pieced, you are ahead of me! Looking forward to the pineapple blossom pics soon. How nice to be able to call in a vacation day when the urge strikes to sew!
I like your spools too! (& I thought about a vacation day...)
What a good idea -- make a block to put with the bits so you remember what the bits are for... Hmmmm may have to try that (snicker snicker snicker, knowing how liekly my ways will actually change)
I love the colors, so bright and cheery.
oh, nice! makes me think of spring-which is still way too far away sigh. I like how the white pops out. Cher
LOL at calling in and taking a vacation day! YOU GO GIRL! Love the Y/B block too!
Blue and yellow is so pretty together and that is going to be a lovely quilt.
So glad you decided to take a day off and sew!
Judy L.
Good for you - playin' hooky! :)
Can't wait to see that top!
neat block. I want to do a yellow and blue but have other irons in the fire right now. I look forward to the whole quilt.
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