Monday, February 20, 2006

This is what 212 yds of fabric looks like when it's all boxed up and ready to give away to someone who will hopefully appreciate it more than I did! The majority of it is 80s calicos. Mostly in 1/3 to 1 yd cuts but a lot 2 to 3 yd cuts also. And the top box is mostly full of FQs and smaller bits.

There really is some lovely fabric in there. I had it in a HUGE box and it didn't all fit. So I had to put some of it in another box. Then I decided I could get it to the car a whole lot easier if it was all in the smaller boxes. As I transfered fabric I wouldn't even let myself look at it closely. Too afraid I'd start second guessing myself and pull some pieces back out. And remember I did keep a strip of each so I do have bits to use in my scrap quilts.

Someone who likes calicos will love working with this stuff. And it will makes lots of pretty quilts for people who need them. So much better to go for that than sitting forlornly in my cabinets waiting to be noticed amongst my jewel tones and batiks.


Laurie said...

WOW have been one busy gal! I love the batiks!!!!!! And what a generous donation you are giving someone! You are amazing!

Passionate Quilter said...

Wow girl, you have been busy! What a nice donation, I'm sure someone could put all that fabric to good use. And everyone wins! I know what you mean about not looking at something again once you have made that final decision! LOL

Granny said...

212 yards is a LOT of fabric! Good for you for cleaning out your stash and sending it off to a new home.

Judy L.

Mary Johnson said...

That is a lot of fabric - are you going to have to shop to fill the shelves back up?

Cher said...

yippee! you did fantastic Nancy! not only do you have less on your stash plate, but, someone or many someones are gonna so love all this fabric...good going!

Cathi said...

Wow!!! That is a lot of fabric to give away. Good for you to give away the fabrics that don't inspire you anymore. It will make some quilter or quilters out there very happy!!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for you for being so generous, and having such great willpower!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! That is a LOT of fabric!! My stash is very small, but I have been in sewing rooms where there are big stashes...I can't even imagine having that much fabric let alone having that much to give away!! and you are so organized!! Wonderful