Tuesday, June 13, 2006

So much for blogging every day! We've had internet again since Thursday night and have I blogged a single time? Or sewn a single seam to blog about? NO! I've been a slug and sat in my chair playing stupid computer games. But sometimes I need that couch potato time to recharge my batteries so I'm not going to feel guilty about it.

While I haven't been sewing I have done more work in my sewing room. ONE day I'll finish. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel after many months of working in there 10 minutes at a time. Over the weekend I folded, sorted and PUT AWAY 2 boxes and a laundry basket full of fabric that had been collecting around my room. And cut another box full of scraps into strips, bricks, squares and piano keys. Tonight I'm going to my guild meeting - Billie Lauder will be the guest speaker. And tomorrow night I SEW! Just after I came back from retreat I started a 4 strip rail fence from some fabrics I bought for other projects that didn't make the cut in those but went perfect together! I have all the stripsets sewn together. Just need to subcut and then sew the blocks into the top. I found the focus fabric I used on clearance online so I've ordered enough for the back. I hope to get that by Friday so I can finish that quilt up this weekend. I have sooooooo many groups of fabrics pulled just screaming, "MAKE ME FIRST!" but I won't let myself start anything new until I finish at least 2 UFOs. And I mean all the way finished and not just a top. Of course I can easily make this pledge cause one of my UFOs is a top that has been quilted all except the border for several years and another is a companion that has been basted and ready to quilt for the same length of time! Isn't that SAD!!!!!

And if we want to talk about SAD I should admit I've been the most horrible quilting wife a man could have. :-( My poor hubby has been sleeping under a quilt that is in tatters! I have a top almost ready for him - just needs borders - but all he wanted was a quilt made of 2 sheets. So that's what he got. It turned out okay - bland but okay - and he loves it so I guess I can be happy with the time I spent making that instead of other things I'd much rather have been working on. And I'll still finish his quilt since it's so close to being finished anyway and then he can sleep under whichever one he wants.


Anonymous said...

sounds to me like you have been very very busy! Nice to have you back!

Pam said...

Nancy...slow and steady wins the race...not that we are racing. I am so proud of you for spending 10 minutes in your sewingroom...that is a big accomplishment, I need to take your lead and start doing that, just a few minutes each day to try to get it back in shape...as it is now when anyone goes in there I always tell them we will send in the rescue team if they are not out in 24 hours.

Cher said...

glad to see you posting even if it isn't every day! that's ok-and ten minutes is more than I have spent the last several days myself.
Pam is right-just keep plugging away and you will have lots of finished beautiful quilts to enjoy.

Jeanne said...

Just take it one day at a time, one quilt at a time ...
Jeanne :)