FedEx just brought me a lovely package this morning from Thousands of Bolts. The brown will be the back for my Chocolat Weave. It's not from the same fabric line but was $3.85 a yard instead of $7.29 so I think it will work just fine. I bought 10 yards since it's going to be a king sized quilt and whatever is left will go for pillowcase lining/pillow backs.
The funky eye fabric I just fell in love with and had to have a yard. I see it being used as the windows/doors for some of Tonya's fun wonky houses. At least that's my plan for now. If I start on it soon MAYBE it will be finished before next Halloween. LOL!
Thanks for all the kind words re: car damage. It's not really that bad just that's it's a NEW car. It does have a couple pretty good dents and the black piece on the left and front have some pretty deep gouges. Then there are scratches on the hood and fender so definately will have to have it fixed.
A lot of you have asked where to get the pattern for my Weave quilts. It's in the Jan/Feb 2006 issue of Quilts with Style Magazine. Go about halfway down the page and find where it says "Browse our back issues". Click on the "Look Inside" link. Then on the "Jan/Feb 2006 issue". The issue is $6.00. BTW, this is also the issue I got the pattern for Arabesque that I made back in (I think) Feb. And I bought it for the Gem pattern. Just haven't done that one yet. If even 1/4 the people who've asked where to get this pattern order the back issue they're going to be wondering why such a run all of a sudden on this particular issue. LOL! The quilt as shown is very large (around 90X108) without any borders. Both of the ones I did were made smaller by cutting the pieces smaller. Chocolat Weave is about 75X90 without borders and Cat Weave is about 72X84 without borders. If anyone wants to make the smaller sized email me (blogmail@nancyquilts.com) and I'll send the cutting size for each patch. This really is a VERY easy quilt to make. It's assembled in verticle rows and not really made out of "blocks". Would make a great charity quilt done in one of the smaller sizes using a mix of novelty and small print fabrics much like I did my Cat one.
The chocolate color is so rich, but the eyes are hilarious. I can understand ordering some of it. Would be cute in a lot of different uses.
Glad the dents weren't too bad. I understand the NEW car damage. I had mine a month when middle-child strattled a coyote with it. Yes, so glad we have insurance.
Just love that eyeball fabric!!
Nancy, is that brown from the Dimples line? I LOVE that color!
Great eyeballs! LOL
Ohhhhh -- packages from Thousands of Bolts are such a delight. Looks like you picked a couple of good fabrics *s*
I love Thousands of Bolts - this month I have to confess to receiving 4 parcels from them (but you can only get 6 yards in each posting to the UK). I'm sure the brown will be perfect and you're right, those eyeballs just cry out to be used in a wonky house.
That chocolate fabric will make a great backing...so sorry to hear about the car :(
Thanks for the link to the weave pattern.
I love the eyes fabric. Although I didn't realize it was eyes I until I read your post.
Love your googley eyes! :) xoxo melzie
The Chocolat material is such a gorgeous colour it looks edible *s*. We used to have a cat - cross Burmese and moggy - who was that colour exactly!
Those eyes are wicked.
great fabrics. I will have to check out the Thousands of Bolts site.
I would be one who would love to know the cutting directions for the re-sized version with all those kid quilts we make.
Those little eyes are cute and I can totally see them used as you described.
I think this is a great pattern for fabrics you don't want to cut up too much as well. pretty snappy idea-thanks for the reference Nancy. and good for you to get a quilt done for yourself, even if David had to claim it :-)
Ouch for you car !
Your new fabrics looks good.
So sorry about the car- great backing fabric, though. And those eyes- what fun!
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