I had plans to work on my Pineapple Blossom borders tonight but David was working on his laptop on the table so I couldn't get the pieces cut. So I set my machine on a small table in the living room and worked on my Scrappy Spools. It is supposed to be my leaders/enders project but it was either work on it or nothing. I got a lot of my stripsets for the 4patches done so it was a pretty productive evening even if I had to change plans. George kept trying to play with my strips and I kept chasing him away. I got up for a few minutes and when I came back this is what I found!
typical kitty, so sweet and yet so frustrating all at the same time. What a cutie.
AWWW - how can you be mad at that? I work on my bed a lot. I have a cut & press board which works great for trimming - which is what I have been doing. I also sort on my bed & when I do, RB curls up in my lap..... Doesn't help with the sorting, but doesn't hurt either until my leg goes to sleep & I don't want to disturb him.....
My guy like to sit on the cut & press and books too - such big helpers they are....
I wanted to tell ya.... In my "I SPY" I have a set of carders.... It is from an OLD Hoffman print, there is a sheep, a spinning wheel, and carders..... Made me think of you! :o) (I got it in a swap, so I don't have any extra or it would go into both of my I SPY quilts!)
Very cute! My shepherd Roogrr who is just shy of a year old is always grabbing onto pieces of fabric and taking off. Then we have to play chase. So helpful! :)
Awwwww too cute too cute!!
Tigger spent last evening curled up posing on the Lucky Cat quilt. I didn't have the heart to move him since he kept snoring and sighing.
But today, the quilt is mine do matter how cute he looks. ;)
I'm thinking of adding a special label to my quilts that would say "This quilt has the Tonya or Wiley (depending on which cat has been most helpful!) paw of approval". They certainly keep me on my toes; one likes to eat thread, and the other likes to check out pins!
Good for you for doing SOMETHING! The mess sure looks productive! ;)
Well, he surely looks comfortable! Does he always do this or does he have some special attraction to the yellow/blue fabrics?
Good thinking Nancy, if you can't get in the door, use the window..LOL. I think the spools will be great in those colors, and apparently George agrees..It's been "kitty tested"..*VBS*
Hope you got George off those strips. I can hardly wait to see those colors together. ;)
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