I'm taking a sick day today. Or a "Beach" day as Dariyln would call it. :-) Just a touch of stomach flu. I've mostly napped today but have also done a bit of laundry and a little surfing and watched a few movies.
It's amazing what happens when you sort laundry. Cat "help" just appears from everywhere.
That was several hours ago. They're STILL there! But as that's the last load to go I'm going to have to disturb them pretty soon.
While sorting scraps and sifting thru UFOs I ran across this set of Chunky Churn Dash blocks. These are just a few of them. I think there are 32 finished blocks. These were made last fall using strips from my scrap bins. I think these will go to my niece, Tracey. About 75% of the fabrics used in these blocks are from Mama's stash. Many of them I recognize as scraps from clothes she made for herself and for Tracey and her sister, Debbie. I think Tracey will enjoy this quilt made of bits that she will recognize as MeMaw's.
Tracey will get the first of the niece quilts. She's the middle child of my younger brother. Neither the oldest or the youngest. The exact middle child of Mama's grandchildren. And the one kinda shoved aside much of the time. So in order to put Tracey first for a change, she will get the first quilt.
As I was leaving work yesterday I saw my first glimpse of a bluebonnet. So when I got home I pulled an ATV out and went looking for bluebonnets. I did find a few. Just a scattered blossom here and there. Not like it has been in years past. I know it's still a bit early, but I fear the drought has made for a very spare bluebonnet year.
While I was looking for bluebonnets I took a good look at some of my trees. I love these knobby oak trees. Don't know what they're called but I call them knobby. :-) I remembered something someone said a while back when they were making wonky houses. They said that their mother claimed no one could make a wonky tree wonkier that a real life one. (paraphrased as I'm too lazy to go find the exact quote.) Looking at this I think she just might be right.
we are not seeing many bluebonnets popping up at all. The fields that are normally filled with them have a few scattered here and there. Not in bloom yet, but the plants are up. Maybe Indian Paintbrushes will be more this year.
Feel better soon !
sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather, hope tomorrow is a better day! Liked your Chunky Churn Dash quilt--a nice way to use up scraps. And aren't you sweet, thinking of the very middle child. My middle daughter would love you! :)
hope you feel better ASAP! Your first niece quilt looks lovely!
Hi Nancy, love the boxy churndash. It makes a great quilt! I'm sure you niece will love it..*VBS* Feel better soon, hugs, Finn
I hope you feel better SOON...it's just no fun being sick! Great pics!
What a cute picture of your kities. I could get about five cats to fit into the size of my shepherd. And I'll bet those five cats would get into less trouble than that darn shepherd of mine! :)
I hope you have a restful "Beach Day." I'm glad you have such nice company to help you.
The quilt will be gorgeous. I love the pattern.
Hugs and hopes that you feel better soon.
I guess our cats think a like!
I love that you are making for the middle child first - I dated a middle child and believe ther is a "middle child syndrome." (I saw it first hand!) As an oldest child - I was ready to rescue, etc. - but that is a different story!
nice churndash blocks Nancy! enjoyed a chuckle over the kitty photo too. sorry that nasty stomach flu is bugging you *vbg* good you took the day off and rested! hope you are feeling much better tomorrow.
That's so nice of you to put Tracey first!
I used to love to go out in TX and see the bluebonnets. I hope they surprise you and there's a great crop of them this year.
Judy L.
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