Just thought I'd better let you guys know I'm still alive since I haven't posted in over a week! I've pretty much gone to work and come home and gone to bed. I overdid it a bit earlier in the week and have been paying for it since. Then I mowed the yard Saturday and planted tomatoes Sunday and it looks like this week will be another work/sleep week.

I did take some pictures with my new camera Saturday. This is my home. It's not much but it's mine and will be paid for in a few more years. I love the lot it currently sits on. You can't see it in the picture but it's loaded with large mature oak trees. The only problem is the reason those trees are so lush looking in this part of Texas where the trees aren't normally so large is that the lot sits in a flood zone. Yep, every couple years (and twice one year) we get one to two feet of water across the yard for several hours. Not high enough to get in the trailer but high enough I have to move all cars, mowers, atvs, etc to higher ground which is a major pain in the behind. So we'll be moving our trailer onto another lot that we bought next door that is not in the flood zone. Not as nice a lot but does have some nice trees and the added bonus of no danger of flooding! Also it will be nice to be able to plant flowers. Just too much shade in my curent yard for much to want to grow.
We were thinking about building a house but there are just the 2 of us and the trailer has ample space for us. So we decided to take our money and build a large shop/studio/equipment storage instead. We'll be building a 30'X40' metal shop building and subdividing it into 3 15'X25' sections plus 5'X15' area that will hold a bathroom and pantry storage area. David and I will each get a 15x25 section and the 3rd will be used to garage our ATVs, mowers, garden supplies, etc. It will have a full bathroom since with just the addition of a tub or shower we will live in my studio for a week during the "move and reset up the trailer" stage. That will save us a week to 10 days worth of motel rooms and the aggravation of having to drive back and forth to town each night.

My current sewing room is in the end of the trailer you see on the right hand side of the picture above. This is the view from that window. My sewing machine sits right in front of the window so I can look out as I sew. I often see deer on the next lot and cats love to frolic on the ditch bank. The satelite dish you see is for our internet. The trailer will pretty much move about 300 feet in this direction to it's new home on top of the hill.

This is one of the horses that lives across the street. She looked interested in my picture taking and neighed to let me know he was there and quite photogenic herself. :-)

This is where my new front yard will be. It'll be a shame to cover the bluebonnets with lawn but there are several other big bluebonnet patches on that property so this one can go and still leave me lots to enjoy each spring.
Guess I'd better get to work. Hopefully I'll have more quilty stuff to post in a few days.
Thanks for letting us know you are still around... I too have been in sleep/work mode more or less. (I can surf the internet at work while in my "waiting" phases...)
Your new lot looks very nice and it will be nice to be out of the flood zone. You could just leave the blue bonnets and have a floral yard instead of grass. Less mowing too.:o)
Good to hear from you again! What a beautiful area with all the trees and flowers.
Glad to hear you are ok! Just busy! ;o) The future looks/sounds like fun! Enjoy the building process!
glad you are back..I was beginning to wonder if you had taken an unscheduled vacation..*VBS*..sorry you overdid it..easy to do.
I absolutely LOVE the view out your sewing room window..it's just lovely. I'll bet in any season or time of day,I'd want to sit htere all day I think..LOL
Thanks for the tour!! Hugs, Finn
It's just so beautiful there! I had forgotten what real trees look like! What I wouldn't give for that view while I'm sewing!! Really beautiful!
Nancy, what a wonderful tour of your home. And the play space you're building sounds like so much fun.
Thank you for sharing.
I'd also make a flower "front yard" rather than grass. LOL.
lovely view- sounds like you will be keeping it when you move? hope so! I agree with Tami, I would leave those blue bonnets as my front yard-but then, I am just an informal sort of gal :-) I know that work/sleep mode...hope it evens out and you have more energy/time to enjoy that quilting!
love the new move plan..less stress, more space, and sounds like within your budget-an added bonus. Those trees are great!
Lovely properties! I'm a tree person :)
Hope you're feeling perky again soon!
You have a nice view from your sewing room. The workshop sounds great for both you and your husband.
well, there you are! One of those weeks, it would seem from your description and about to get busier.
I love the view of your property. A home is not the building but the love inside. Thanks for sharing.
I loved seeing the pictures of your home. I live in the city and can't wait to move and enjoy a way of live that is a bit more stress and traffic free. I loved the view of you sewingroom!
thank you for sharing
I'd be tempted to put a hammock between two of those trees and do NO housework at all.
glad you are okay! your lot is SO green and lush- keep in mind, I'm in CO... It looks lovely!
I thought we were going to have to put a APB out on you! Thanks for cking in. I am so green with envy, look at all that land you have...and beautiful view! I'm with you, build a large building, half for you half for hubby, potty in the middle...yep...sounds like a plan to me. When you get your home set up please take another sewing room window view. SO GLAD YOU CK'ed IN.
Thinking of you Nancy. :)
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