This is the project I picked for my #4. It was one of those $5 quilts a few years ago where you pay $5 for the first block and then get the next free the next month when you bring your completed block in. As you can see I didn't make it to very many of the monthly meetings. Started working killer hours and just wasn't up to driving into town early on Saturday morning. So most of them I just paid $5 per block and picked them up when I was already in town. Probably would have cost me $3 per time just in gas to go pick it up so I'm not bothered by the extra cost. For some reason I decided it would be a good idea to hand piece this. I probably would have finished it a long time ago if I'd just done it on the machine. But this makes it a nice carry along project so it will still get done soon enough. This morning I cut all the remaining blocks so everything is ready to sew together when I get a few minutes here and there during the day. I'm thinking I'll carry this to work so I can work on it during my lunch hour.

The fabric at the top is the backing. At the bottom are the sashing (blue), 1st thin border and binding(red) and the main border (wildflowers). There will be pinwheel blocks as sashing squares using up bits of fabric left from cutting each block. Mine is not being set like the original even though I bought the setting kit. I just liked the fabrics and it came out cheaper to buy the kit than to purchase yardage. The backing fabric I picked up online last year during one of the FabShopHops. It was on sale for $3 or $4 yd. I snatched up all they had for my backing and THINK I'll have enough. If not I'll add some big hunks of red, white and blue and make a pieced back.

And finally for your viewing pleasure - My little speed bump on the information superhighway. Fluffy sure wishes I would share less photos and stuff so I wouldn't keep dumping him out of HIS chair. LOL! Don't be feeling too sorry for him. Cause just as soon as I get settled in he jumps up and curls himself by my feet.
LOVE those bluebonnet fabrics! I have quite a collection of bluebonnets myself, but I still haven't figured out exactly what I will do with all of them. I usually have to buy all of my bluebonnets online since the quilt shops in Missouri don't have an appreciation for the Texas bluebonnet. :-)
OK, Nancy, I think I splashed coffee on my keyboard.
That is one cute pile of fluff.
(And Speedbump is the handle I used before I turned into Tropical Screamer.)
Thank you for the pics of the beautiful quilt and your furry baby.
Hi Nancy, your Fluffy is so cute--I have to fight with my two furry ones for room in the chair with the laptop too!
That is going to be one gorgeous quilt!!! Love the colors! And the real bluebonnets in your yard are so beautiful!
The block a month from way back when is a great carry along, since you started it as hand pieced. It'll be done in no time now..*S*
Love Fluffy..such a sweetie!!
What a nice carry along project. I bet you get a lot done during lunch - speaking of - it is my lunch time & I have some banking & shopping to do! I once pieced a queen sized log cabin during lunch. (I actually pieced by machine & pressed at home, but ) did the pining and cutting at work - 2 weeks tops & I had a quilt top!)
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